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Abstract School RPG

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 Hollanders Bakery

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2 posters
single star student
single star student

Male Jumlah posting : 4893
Age : 30
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : A - Junior High School
Alice : Death Scythe Alice
Registration date : 17.12.07

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere in Heaven..
Self Quote: Totally in Peace...

Hollanders Bakery Empty
PostSubyek: Hollanders Bakery   Hollanders Bakery Icon_minitimeWed Feb 20, 2008 7:25 am


Pintu toko kue terbuka..
Azure masuk dengan tampangnya yang biasa..dingin..


"Terima kasih.."ujar pegawai toko sambil tersenyum..

"Sama-sama.."Balas Azure sambil memasukkan barang-barang bawaanya,berupa coklat,dan beberapa bungkus besar permen lolipop berbagai rasa...

Terakhir diubah oleh azureghost tanggal Wed Feb 20, 2008 7:26 am, total 1 kali diubah
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Student Agent
Student Agent

Male Jumlah posting : 4563
Age : 32
ability : Special
Class : High School B
Alice : Sweety Alice
Registration date : 13.01.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Student Agent
Self Quote: Because I feel like it.

Hollanders Bakery Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Hollanders Bakery   Hollanders Bakery Icon_minitimeWed Feb 20, 2008 4:47 pm

Nauka tampak terengah-engah mengejar Azure.

"Heiii!" panggilnya pada Azure.

Ia melihat belanjaan Azure.

"Mmm? Belanja makanan manis? Buat valentine ya?" tanya Nauka basa-basi.
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single star student
single star student

Male Jumlah posting : 4893
Age : 30
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : A - Junior High School
Alice : Death Scythe Alice
Registration date : 17.12.07

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere in Heaven..
Self Quote: Totally in Peace...

Hollanders Bakery Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Hollanders Bakery   Hollanders Bakery Icon_minitimeWed Feb 20, 2008 5:01 pm

"Begitulah..."Azure tersenyum riang pada nauka...

Ia mengambil sebuah permen lolipop dari kantong plastik yang dibawanya..dan memakannya..beberapa saat kemudian,Ia menoleh pada nauka.

"Anda..kenapa terengah2 seperti itu..?"tanyanya dengan wajah polos

Terakhir diubah oleh azureghost tanggal Wed Feb 20, 2008 5:04 pm, total 1 kali diubah
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Student Agent
Student Agent

Male Jumlah posting : 4563
Age : 32
ability : Special
Class : High School B
Alice : Sweety Alice
Registration date : 13.01.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Student Agent
Self Quote: Because I feel like it.

Hollanders Bakery Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Hollanders Bakery   Hollanders Bakery Icon_minitimeWed Feb 20, 2008 5:07 pm

"Anjir nih anak satu bener2 kena Alzheimer ya?" batin Nauka sambil manyun.

"Tadi kan kamu mendadak ninggalin kita di koridor sekolah lalu..." Nauka lalu menengok ke sekelilingnya. "Loh??? Mana Ayuri?!"
Kembali Ke Atas Go down
single star student
single star student

Male Jumlah posting : 4893
Age : 30
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : A - Junior High School
Alice : Death Scythe Alice
Registration date : 17.12.07

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere in Heaven..
Self Quote: Totally in Peace...

Hollanders Bakery Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Hollanders Bakery   Hollanders Bakery Icon_minitimeWed Feb 20, 2008 5:11 pm

"BUkankah dia bersama-sama anda..?"tanya Azure sambil ngemut lolipopnya...

Ia berpikir sebentar,mencoba mengingat-ingat sesuatu..
"Hng..masih ada di koridor kali...?"Azure mengalihkan pandangannya ke Gedung sekolah yang mulai gelap.
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Student Agent
Student Agent

Male Jumlah posting : 4563
Age : 32
ability : Special
Class : High School B
Alice : Sweety Alice
Registration date : 13.01.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Student Agent
Self Quote: Because I feel like it.

Hollanders Bakery Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Hollanders Bakery   Hollanders Bakery Icon_minitimeWed Feb 20, 2008 5:12 pm

"...Hueh... Apa sariawannya kambuh n dia pingsan gara-gara ga kuat nahan sakit ya?" pikir Nauka. Meskipun terkesan bego, tapi wajahnya benar-benar terlihat khawatir.

"...Apa sebaiknya kita kembali?" tanya Nauka pada Azure.
Kembali Ke Atas Go down
single star student
single star student

Male Jumlah posting : 4893
Age : 30
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : A - Junior High School
Alice : Death Scythe Alice
Registration date : 17.12.07

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere in Heaven..
Self Quote: Totally in Peace...

Hollanders Bakery Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Hollanders Bakery   Hollanders Bakery Icon_minitimeWed Feb 20, 2008 5:20 pm

Azure hanya manggut-manggut mendengar usulan Nauka,masih konsen memakan permen lolipopnya..


Azure mengalihkan pandangannya kembali ke arah sekolah.
"Lebih baik kalau mau kesana cepetan..klo' nggak...bakalan gelap..."
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Student Agent
Student Agent

Male Jumlah posting : 4563
Age : 32
ability : Special
Class : High School B
Alice : Sweety Alice
Registration date : 13.01.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Student Agent
Self Quote: Because I feel like it.

Hollanders Bakery Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Hollanders Bakery   Hollanders Bakery Icon_minitimeWed Feb 20, 2008 5:22 pm

Nauka meraih lengan Azure.

"Temani!" pintanya (meskipun lebih tepat seperti memaksa).
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single star student
single star student

Male Jumlah posting : 4893
Age : 30
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : A - Junior High School
Alice : Death Scythe Alice
Registration date : 17.12.07

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere in Heaven..
Self Quote: Totally in Peace...

Hollanders Bakery Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Hollanders Bakery   Hollanders Bakery Icon_minitimeWed Feb 20, 2008 5:27 pm

"Baik-baik..."ucap Azure pelan...

Azure dengan tenang mengikuti nauka,sambil membawa barang-barang belanjaannya..mereka ber-2 kembali ke sekolah...

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Hollanders Bakery Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Hollanders Bakery   Hollanders Bakery Icon_minitime

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Hollanders Bakery
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