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 untitled episode on hospital

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Wanijima Hiino
Student Agent
Student Agent
Wanijima Hiino

Male Jumlah posting : 4523
Age : 32
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : ressurection alice
Registration date : 02.11.07

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Student Agent
Location: Lagi g kemana mana ^^;;
Self Quote: Aku memang lelaki paling malang di akademi ini...

untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: untitled episode on hospital   untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 07, 2008 9:52 am

Quote :
aku tidak perlu teman"

"Asalkan aku menjadi diriku sendiri....itu sudah cukup"

"ada benarnya kata-katamu"

Hiino menyambar pembicaraan Chiaki & Sei karena sudah mengecilkan suara iPOD-nya
"kalau sudah punya teman tapi tidak bisa jadi diri sendiri, itu sih orang bodoh"

"aku berkata begini karena aku merasa kau belum pernah tahu artinya 'warna dunia' "
ujarnya pada Sei
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Nagumo Sei
single star student
single star student
Nagumo Sei

Male Jumlah posting : 757
Age : 32
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : A-Senior High
Alice : Marionette Alice
Registration date : 18.02.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Unknown
Self Quote: Even.... The Death Choose Me...

untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: untitled episode on hospital   untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 07, 2008 10:24 am

"aku tidak peduli dengan hal itu...", balasnya

"seseorang yang bahkan tidak mengerti dirinya sendiri....", kata sei lagi dengan senyum sinis. "apa seseorang seperti itu dapat menghargai arti dari seorang teman?"

"aku....tidak pernah diakui..."
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Wanijima Hiino
Student Agent
Student Agent
Wanijima Hiino

Male Jumlah posting : 4523
Age : 32
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : ressurection alice
Registration date : 02.11.07

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Student Agent
Location: Lagi g kemana mana ^^;;
Self Quote: Aku memang lelaki paling malang di akademi ini...

untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: untitled episode on hospital   untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 07, 2008 4:30 pm

Hiino mengencangkan suara iPOD miliknya tanda tak peduli dengan orang itu. wajahnya menunjukkan ekpresi tidak peduli [look av]

....begitulah orang yang biasa disakiti, mungkin......
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Yamashita Chiaki
single star student
single star student
Yamashita Chiaki

Female Jumlah posting : 2630
Age : 30
ability : Somatic Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : Plant Controller
Registration date : 30.01.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere that I belong to?
Self Quote: I trust you. Even thought you don't trust me, or maybe hate me... Still, I believe in you.

untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: untitled episode on hospital   untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 07, 2008 4:34 pm

"Aku tahu... Kata-kata kalian berdua memang benar... Tapi..." Chiaki terdiam sebentar.

"Manusia itu makhluk sosial, tidak bisa hidup sendirian di dunia. Apa kalian mau hidup sendirian di dunia sampai akhir hidup kalian?"

"Kok jadi membicarakan hal seperti ini sih...?"
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Nagumo Sei
single star student
single star student
Nagumo Sei

Male Jumlah posting : 757
Age : 32
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : A-Senior High
Alice : Marionette Alice
Registration date : 18.02.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Unknown
Self Quote: Even.... The Death Choose Me...

untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: untitled episode on hospital   untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 07, 2008 5:08 pm

Sei lalu menutup matanya dan mengingat masa lalunya lagi.

Masa lalu yg penuh siksaan dan makian.

"ya...", jawabnya.

Ia lalu terdiam sebentar, tubuhnya terjatuh ke lantai.

Sei menahan tubuhnya sebelum jatuh ke lantai(swt?) .

"urgh" Sei memegangi kepalanya.

(@chiaki: OOT = Provokatornya jadi gini kan gw senyum tanpa dosa ga tau mau ngomong apa sweatdrop jadi aneh gini.)
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Wanijima Hiino
Student Agent
Student Agent
Wanijima Hiino

Male Jumlah posting : 4523
Age : 32
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : ressurection alice
Registration date : 02.11.07

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Student Agent
Location: Lagi g kemana mana ^^;;
Self Quote: Aku memang lelaki paling malang di akademi ini...

untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: untitled episode on hospital   untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 07, 2008 5:10 pm

OOT : Hiino diem aja =)) ... diabaikan


Hiino melepas controllernya & membuat Sei merasa lebih baik sebelum terjatuh

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Yamashita Chiaki
single star student
single star student
Yamashita Chiaki

Female Jumlah posting : 2630
Age : 30
ability : Somatic Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : Plant Controller
Registration date : 30.01.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere that I belong to?
Self Quote: I trust you. Even thought you don't trust me, or maybe hate me... Still, I believe in you.

untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: untitled episode on hospital   untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 07, 2008 5:18 pm

"Sei-senpai? Ada apa?" tanya Chiaki yang sedikit khawatir.

"Berbaringlah dulu di kasur."
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Nagumo Sei
single star student
single star student
Nagumo Sei

Male Jumlah posting : 757
Age : 32
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : A-Senior High
Alice : Marionette Alice
Registration date : 18.02.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Unknown
Self Quote: Even.... The Death Choose Me...

untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: untitled episode on hospital   untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 07, 2008 5:24 pm

"tidak!", balas sei dengan kasar kepada chiaki. "kau tidak perlu mengkhwatirkanku!"

Perlahan-lahan kesadarannya mulai kembali

"maaf...", kata sei dengan nada menyesal. lalu mengambil pisaunya dan menggores jarinya. dan menghisap darahnya sendiri.
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Wanijima Hiino
Student Agent
Student Agent
Wanijima Hiino

Male Jumlah posting : 4523
Age : 32
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : ressurection alice
Registration date : 02.11.07

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Student Agent
Location: Lagi g kemana mana ^^;;
Self Quote: Aku memang lelaki paling malang di akademi ini...

untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: untitled episode on hospital   untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 07, 2008 5:28 pm

"....apa kau sudah merasa enakan?" tanya Hiino yg dari tadi menggunakan alice-nya untuk Sei, timbal balik, sekarang Hiino yang merasa kesakitan.

"...boleh kutanya kenapa anda ada disini?"
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Nagumo Sei
single star student
single star student
Nagumo Sei

Male Jumlah posting : 757
Age : 32
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : A-Senior High
Alice : Marionette Alice
Registration date : 18.02.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Unknown
Self Quote: Even.... The Death Choose Me...

untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: untitled episode on hospital   untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 07, 2008 5:38 pm

"maksudmu....kenapa aku bisa berada di hospital ini...?", tanyanya kepada hiino
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Wanijima Hiino
Student Agent
Student Agent
Wanijima Hiino

Male Jumlah posting : 4523
Age : 32
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : ressurection alice
Registration date : 02.11.07

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Student Agent
Location: Lagi g kemana mana ^^;;
Self Quote: Aku memang lelaki paling malang di akademi ini...

untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: untitled episode on hospital   untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 07, 2008 5:39 pm

Hiino tidak menjawab, hanya mengangguk sambil mendengarkan lagunya & bernyanyi kecil.....

"kenapa kau ada disini.... biasanya orang-orang ke tempat ini jika ada keperluan.........tapi sepertinya kau iseng sekali kesini...."
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Nagumo Sei
single star student
single star student
Nagumo Sei

Male Jumlah posting : 757
Age : 32
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : A-Senior High
Alice : Marionette Alice
Registration date : 18.02.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Unknown
Self Quote: Even.... The Death Choose Me...

untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: untitled episode on hospital   untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 07, 2008 5:46 pm

"aku hanya datang berdasarkan insting... (nyasar maksudnya/buta arah)", jawabnya.

"Dan, apapun yang kulakukan...Semuanya tidak perlu kau pikirkan", katanya dengan dingin (lagi?). " kau tenang saja....aku tidak akan menyakiti teman-teman mu..."
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Yamashita Chiaki
single star student
single star student
Yamashita Chiaki

Female Jumlah posting : 2630
Age : 30
ability : Somatic Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : Plant Controller
Registration date : 30.01.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere that I belong to?
Self Quote: I trust you. Even thought you don't trust me, or maybe hate me... Still, I believe in you.

untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: untitled episode on hospital   untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 07, 2008 6:00 pm

Nagumo Sei wrote:
"maaf...", kata sei dengan nada menyesal. lalu mengambil pisaunya dan menggores jarinya. dan menghisap darahnya sendiri.

Chiaki yang tidak kuat melihat darah hanya bisa memejamkan matanya melihat hal itu.

"Kenapa suasana jadi kembali dingin seperti ini...?" batinnya.

"Sei-senpai... Dari Dangerous Ability yah...?" tanya Chiaki.
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Wanijima Hiino
Student Agent
Student Agent
Wanijima Hiino

Male Jumlah posting : 4523
Age : 32
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : ressurection alice
Registration date : 02.11.07

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Student Agent
Location: Lagi g kemana mana ^^;;
Self Quote: Aku memang lelaki paling malang di akademi ini...

untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: untitled episode on hospital   untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 07, 2008 6:06 pm

OOT : denjeres semua =)) sabar y chia ^^


Quote :
"Dan, apapun yang kulakukan...Semuanya tidak
perlu kau pikirkan", katanya dengan dingin (lagi?). " kau tenang
saja....aku tidak akan menyakiti teman-teman mu..."

"....mungkin aku bisa tenang....."

Hiino cuma membetulkan kacamatanya & menahan nafsu ingin menyiksa orang lain-nya [see profile ^^;].

keadaannya jadi dingin begini yah
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Nagumo Sei
single star student
single star student
Nagumo Sei

Male Jumlah posting : 757
Age : 32
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : A-Senior High
Alice : Marionette Alice
Registration date : 18.02.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Unknown
Self Quote: Even.... The Death Choose Me...

untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: untitled episode on hospital   untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 07, 2008 6:11 pm

Yamashita Chiaki wrote:

Chiaki yang tidak kuat melihat darah hanya bisa memejamkan matanya melihat hal itu.

"Kenapa suasana jadi kembali dingin seperti ini...?" batinnya.

"Sei-senpai... Dari Dangerous Ability yah...?" tanya Chiaki.


Sei tidak menjawab pertanyaan chiaki dan, melihat ke arah jendela.

(oot: *oot mulu nih =.= Diinjeg* disini ada jendela apa ga sih? senyum tanpa dosa )
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Yamashita Chiaki
single star student
single star student
Yamashita Chiaki

Female Jumlah posting : 2630
Age : 30
ability : Somatic Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : Plant Controller
Registration date : 30.01.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere that I belong to?
Self Quote: I trust you. Even thought you don't trust me, or maybe hate me... Still, I believe in you.

untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: untitled episode on hospital   untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 07, 2008 6:33 pm

Chiaki sedikit cemberut dengan jawaban dari Sei dan kemudian, dia menundukkan kepalanya.

"Sial... Aku seperti anak itik di antara anak ayam saja... Sudah cewek sendirian, dikelilingi orang-orang yang pendiam dan dingin lagi...! Apa yang harus kulakukan...?"

Chiaki mulai mondar-mandir keliling ruangan tidak jelas apa tujuan dan maksudnya.
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Nagumo Sei
single star student
single star student
Nagumo Sei

Male Jumlah posting : 757
Age : 32
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : A-Senior High
Alice : Marionette Alice
Registration date : 18.02.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Unknown
Self Quote: Even.... The Death Choose Me...

untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: untitled episode on hospital   untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 07, 2008 6:39 pm

"hentikan itu...", kata sei yang merasa terganggu melihat chiaki yang mondar-mandir. "kau mengganggu..."

"Dan, pada akhirnya kau hanya akan menguras tenaga melakukan hal seperti itu"
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Yamashita Chiaki
single star student
single star student
Yamashita Chiaki

Female Jumlah posting : 2630
Age : 30
ability : Somatic Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : Plant Controller
Registration date : 30.01.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere that I belong to?
Self Quote: I trust you. Even thought you don't trust me, or maybe hate me... Still, I believe in you.

untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: untitled episode on hospital   untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 07, 2008 7:04 pm

"Maaf... Bosan sih..." jawab Chiaki sambil berhenti mondar-mandir dan duduk di sebuah kursi di dalam ruangan itu.

"Kau juga jangan diam saja seperti patung disitu dong... Nanti jadi patung beneran lho."
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Nagumo Sei
single star student
single star student
Nagumo Sei

Male Jumlah posting : 757
Age : 32
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : A-Senior High
Alice : Marionette Alice
Registration date : 18.02.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Unknown
Self Quote: Even.... The Death Choose Me...

untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: untitled episode on hospital   untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 07, 2008 7:09 pm

Sei tersenyum kecil mendengar jawabn itu.

"baiklah...", ujarnya sambil mendekati chiaki. "kau ingin aku melakukan apa?"
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Yamashita Chiaki
single star student
single star student
Yamashita Chiaki

Female Jumlah posting : 2630
Age : 30
ability : Somatic Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : Plant Controller
Registration date : 30.01.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere that I belong to?
Self Quote: I trust you. Even thought you don't trust me, or maybe hate me... Still, I believe in you.

untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: untitled episode on hospital   untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 07, 2008 7:20 pm

"Rupanya Sei-senpai bisa senyum juga...! Daripada cemberut melulu, 'kan mendingan senyum."

Nagumo Sei wrote:
"kau ingin aku melakukan apa?"

"Apapun yang Sei-senpai bisa lakukan. Siapa tahu, senpai bisa melakukan hal-hal yang jarang kulihat. Asal... Jangan berhubungan dengan darah ya..."
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Nagumo Sei
single star student
single star student
Nagumo Sei

Male Jumlah posting : 757
Age : 32
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : A-Senior High
Alice : Marionette Alice
Registration date : 18.02.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Unknown
Self Quote: Even.... The Death Choose Me...

untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: untitled episode on hospital   untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 07, 2008 7:28 pm

"hal-hal yang jarang kulakukan?", tanya sei dan mulai berpikir...

"hmmm...kalau begitu", gumam sei dan kembali berjalan ke arah jendela. "kemarilah...(?)"

Sei mengulurkan tangan ke chiaki dan mengambil ancang2 untuk melompat keluar dari jendela.

"aku tidak mungkin melakukan hal tersebut kalau disini"

(OOT: baru kenalan kan, jarang liat gmn? senyum~;; btw, ini lantai brp sih? senyum tanpa dosa)
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Yamashita Chiaki
single star student
single star student
Yamashita Chiaki

Female Jumlah posting : 2630
Age : 30
ability : Somatic Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : Plant Controller
Registration date : 30.01.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere that I belong to?
Self Quote: I trust you. Even thought you don't trust me, or maybe hate me... Still, I believe in you.

untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: untitled episode on hospital   untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 07, 2008 7:34 pm

OOT : Anggep aja lantai 1^^ <--- (males turun-naik tangga *nggak nyambung, dijitak*)

IT :
"Sei-senpai mau ngapain?" Chiaki berjalan mendekati Sei. "Kenapa tidak bisa dilakukan disini?"
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Nagumo Sei
single star student
single star student
Nagumo Sei

Male Jumlah posting : 757
Age : 32
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : A-Senior High
Alice : Marionette Alice
Registration date : 18.02.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Unknown
Self Quote: Even.... The Death Choose Me...

untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: untitled episode on hospital   untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 07, 2008 7:38 pm

"tentu saja...", jawabnya. "kau ingin lihat hal yang jarang kulakukan kan?"

"nanti kau juga tau sendiri", ujarnya. "tapi hanya untuk sekali ini saja..."

(OOT: ceritanya nanti mau out ga nih?)
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Yamashita Chiaki
single star student
single star student
Yamashita Chiaki

Female Jumlah posting : 2630
Age : 30
ability : Somatic Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : Plant Controller
Registration date : 30.01.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere that I belong to?
Self Quote: I trust you. Even thought you don't trust me, or maybe hate me... Still, I believe in you.

untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: untitled episode on hospital   untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 07, 2008 7:44 pm

Chiaki terdiam untuk berpikir sebentar. "Ya sudah, ikut deh... Penasaran nih. Tapi, Hiino di ajak juga ya..."
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Nagumo Sei
single star student
single star student
Nagumo Sei

Male Jumlah posting : 757
Age : 32
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : A-Senior High
Alice : Marionette Alice
Registration date : 18.02.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Unknown
Self Quote: Even.... The Death Choose Me...

untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: untitled episode on hospital   untitled episode on hospital - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 07, 2008 8:02 pm

"ya..." , jwabnya.

"bagaimana....kau mau ikut?", tanya sei ke Hiino. "untuk kali ini saja, aku akan menunjukkan emosi yang berbeda dari sbelumnya..."
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untitled episode on hospital
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