| Lost at Central Town | |
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Ryuha single star student
Jumlah posting : 2023 Age : 33 ability : Somatic Ability Class : Single Star Alice : Cursed Eye Alice Registration date : 20.12.07
Char Sheet Star Rank: Single Star Location: School Self Quote: If you're strong, you will live last longer. However, if you're weak you won't be able to survive...
| Subyek: Lost at Central Town Sat Dec 22, 2007 9:24 pm | |
| "Yoshi... di mulai dari sini..." kata Ryuha.
Untuk pertama kalinya Ryuha datang ke sini, sendirian. Seperti biasa, ia hanya jalan terus sambil menoleh kiri atau kanan, karena ngga tau arah. Setiap kali ada pertigaan atau perempatan ia selalu belok entah itu ke kiri atau ke kanan tanpa mengingatnya. Tibalah, Ryuha ke jalan buntu.
"Weks... koq... buntu yah? Well... kl gitu cari jalan lain..." Kata Ryuha.
Ia jalan ke arah yg lain pula, tp ia melihat papan dengan bertulisan "CONSTRUCTION"
"Ukh... lagi2 jalan buntu..."
Ryuha jalan ke arah lain lagi, ia pun kelelahan. Ryuha tidak melihat salah satu toko yg membuatnya tertarik sehingga ia memutuskan untuk jalan pulang. Ryuha berhenti sejenak.
"Okay.... now... where am I?" kata Ryuha. Ia tidak melihat org satu pun di sana. Tidak salah lagi, Ryuha tersesat di Central Town.
"Kl tau gini harusnya aku ga keluar2 kali..." kata Ryuha. Karena ia kecapean, Ryuha duduk di sana. | |
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Tobi Kaitou Student Agent
Jumlah posting : 921 Age : 34 ability : Laten Ability Class : B - senior high school Alice : Photographic Memory Registration date : 16.11.07
Char Sheet Star Rank: Student Agent Location: reset Self Quote: aah, smile ^^
| Subyek: Re: Lost at Central Town Sat Dec 22, 2007 11:49 pm | |
| "...kau murid somatic?Ryuha bukan?" (ini alice sy, jd sy tau identitas anda) "sepertix kau tersesat ?" | |
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Ryuha single star student
Jumlah posting : 2023 Age : 33 ability : Somatic Ability Class : Single Star Alice : Cursed Eye Alice Registration date : 20.12.07
Char Sheet Star Rank: Single Star Location: School Self Quote: If you're strong, you will live last longer. However, if you're weak you won't be able to survive...
| Subyek: Re: Lost at Central Town Sun Dec 23, 2007 3:14 pm | |
| Ryuha menoleh ke org itu dengan bahagia. "Akhirnya ada org juga... huff..." Keluh Ryuha.
Ryuha berdiri dan mendekati org itu. "Hm.. keliatannya sih begitu, aku tersesat, ntah di mana aku sekarang..." Jelas Ryuha.
"Btw... u siapa yah?" tanya Ryuha. "Apakah u tau di mana dormitory-ku?" | |
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Tobi Kaitou Student Agent
Jumlah posting : 921 Age : 34 ability : Laten Ability Class : B - senior high school Alice : Photographic Memory Registration date : 16.11.07
Char Sheet Star Rank: Student Agent Location: reset Self Quote: aah, smile ^^
| Subyek: Re: Lost at Central Town Sun Dec 23, 2007 4:04 pm | |
| "aku Tobi Kaitou, pengurus bagian rumah sakit& Laten ability" jawabnya sambil tersenyum. "kalau kau mau ke Dormitory, kau bisa belok ke kiri, lalu di belokan ke empat setelah toko baju belok ke cafe, lalu menghadap utara belokan kedua ,jalan ke arah toko permen lalu ..." Teorinya tidak selesai2, ia terus menjelaskan tanpa berhenti seperti kereta api tapi ia terus tersenyum. Maklum, ia tidak pernah melupakan apapun yg ia lihat atau kerjakan | |
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Ryuha single star student
Jumlah posting : 2023 Age : 33 ability : Somatic Ability Class : Single Star Alice : Cursed Eye Alice Registration date : 20.12.07
Char Sheet Star Rank: Single Star Location: School Self Quote: If you're strong, you will live last longer. However, if you're weak you won't be able to survive...
| Subyek: Re: Lost at Central Town Sun Dec 23, 2007 4:19 pm | |
| "Well... mendingan u anterin deh... ntar nyasar lagi. Khan ingetanku ga tajem... apalagi belokannya... buset banyak bener..." kata Ryuha sambil mengeluh. | |
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Matsuda Yuuki Double Star Student
Jumlah posting : 6996 Age : 31 ability : Somatic Ability Class : B - Junior High Alice : Younger Form Alice Registration date : 18.11.07
Char Sheet Star Rank: Special Star Location: Kerjasama bentuk markas Self Quote: Kata-kata itu kek kencing, sekali keluar g bs dimasukkin lagi
| Subyek: Re: Lost at Central Town Sun Dec 23, 2007 5:23 pm | |
| OOT: KUROYANAGI RYUHA, kalo RP pake bahasanya yang sopanan dikit yaaaa | |
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Tobi Kaitou Student Agent
Jumlah posting : 921 Age : 34 ability : Laten Ability Class : B - senior high school Alice : Photographic Memory Registration date : 16.11.07
Char Sheet Star Rank: Student Agent Location: reset Self Quote: aah, smile ^^
| Subyek: Re: Lost at Central Town Sun Dec 23, 2007 5:24 pm | |
| "haha, baiklah, ayo" Kaitou tersenyum kpd Ryuha, & berjalan ke arah keluar | |
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Ryuha single star student
Jumlah posting : 2023 Age : 33 ability : Somatic Ability Class : Single Star Alice : Cursed Eye Alice Registration date : 20.12.07
Char Sheet Star Rank: Single Star Location: School Self Quote: If you're strong, you will live last longer. However, if you're weak you won't be able to survive...
| Subyek: Re: Lost at Central Town Mon Dec 24, 2007 3:30 am | |
| "Uhn... thank you." angguk Ryuha.
"Akhirnya.... bisa juga keluar dari tempat aneh ini... hiks..." pikir Ryuha. "Jya ne... Thx btw..." kata Ryuha sambil tersenyum pada org itu.
@Matsuda: hee? harus sopan yah? Hm... kl gt sifat chara-ku harus diganti dong? ^^
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| Subyek: Re: Lost at Central Town | |
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| Lost at Central Town | |