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Abstract School RPG

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 Tangga senior high

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4 posters
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Okazaki Tamon
single star student
single star student
Okazaki Tamon

Male Jumlah posting : 61
Age : 33
Class : A senior
Alice : Hacking
Registration date : 21.03.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Anywhere I don't Care
Self Quote: Below the courage there's nothing

Tangga senior high Empty
PostSubyek: Tangga senior high   Tangga senior high Icon_minitimeThu Apr 03, 2008 1:23 pm


"hmm... ini toh alice academy... Besar !!"celetuk seorang lelaki bertopi, Naik ke atas gedung senior high yang tinggi...

"eh...tinggi juga"


Remaja itu menjatuhkan tubuhnya dan duduk di tangga, kelelahan. Padahal baru lantai 1.

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Hoshino Akari
single star student
single star student
Hoshino Akari

Female Jumlah posting : 61
Age : 32
ability : Special Ability
Class : A - senior high school
Alice : Air Manipulation
Registration date : 18.03.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Jalan-jalan di central town
Self Quote: I would never beg for anything... I prefer to die than must beg for something. Even that's important thing...

Tangga senior high Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Tangga senior high   Tangga senior high Icon_minitimeThu Apr 03, 2008 1:27 pm

Akari berlari-lari ke tangga sekolah sambil membawa buku IPA.


"Minggiir !" teriaknya pada Tamon.


Sayangnya,ia malah menabrak Tamon.
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Okazaki Tamon
single star student
single star student
Okazaki Tamon

Male Jumlah posting : 61
Age : 33
Class : A senior
Alice : Hacking
Registration date : 21.03.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Anywhere I don't Care
Self Quote: Below the courage there's nothing

Tangga senior high Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Tangga senior high   Tangga senior high Icon_minitimeThu Apr 03, 2008 1:34 pm

Tamon bertabrakan dengan akari, dan terjatuh di lantai bawahnya dengan mulus...


Tamon tetap di lantai..."oi..."
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Hoshino Akari
single star student
single star student
Hoshino Akari

Female Jumlah posting : 61
Age : 32
ability : Special Ability
Class : A - senior high school
Alice : Air Manipulation
Registration date : 18.03.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Jalan-jalan di central town
Self Quote: I would never beg for anything... I prefer to die than must beg for something. Even that's important thing...

Tangga senior high Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Tangga senior high   Tangga senior high Icon_minitimeThu Apr 03, 2008 1:37 pm

Akari yg terduduk di tangga langsung berdiri,lalu membereskan buku yg terjatuh.

"Ah,ah...maaf ya..." ujar Akari pada Tamon.
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Okazaki Tamon
single star student
single star student
Okazaki Tamon

Male Jumlah posting : 61
Age : 33
Class : A senior
Alice : Hacking
Registration date : 21.03.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Anywhere I don't Care
Self Quote: Below the courage there's nothing

Tangga senior high Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Tangga senior high   Tangga senior high Icon_minitimeThu Apr 03, 2008 2:41 pm

Tamon mengambil kacamatanya yg terjatuh dan melihat siapa yg menabraknya

"...tidak apa-apa sih" ucap lelaki itu sambil tersenyum.

"maaf,kelas a senior dimana ya?"
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Okazaki Tamon
single star student
single star student
Okazaki Tamon

Male Jumlah posting : 61
Age : 33
Class : A senior
Alice : Hacking
Registration date : 21.03.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Anywhere I don't Care
Self Quote: Below the courage there's nothing

Tangga senior high Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Tangga senior high   Tangga senior high Icon_minitimeThu Apr 03, 2008 2:42 pm

Tamon mengambil kacamatanya yg terjatuh dan melihat siapa yg menabraknya

"...tidak apa-apa sih" ucap lelaki itu sambil tersenyum.

"maaf,kelas a senior dimana ya?"
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Hoshino Akari
single star student
single star student
Hoshino Akari

Female Jumlah posting : 61
Age : 32
ability : Special Ability
Class : A - senior high school
Alice : Air Manipulation
Registration date : 18.03.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Jalan-jalan di central town
Self Quote: I would never beg for anything... I prefer to die than must beg for something. Even that's important thing...

Tangga senior high Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Tangga senior high   Tangga senior high Icon_minitimeThu Apr 03, 2008 3:05 pm

"Kelas A-Senior ?? Eh !! Kau anak baru ya ?!" ujar Akari,heboh sambil tersenyum lebar.

"Waa...berarti nanti kita sekelas ! Aku Akari,Hoshino Akari." lanjut Akari.

Lalu,ia baru ingat Tamon menanyakan letak kelas mereka.

"Eh,maaf...aku jadi lupa sendiri. Kelas A-Senior ada tepat di atas tangga ini. Mau ke sana ?"
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Okazaki Tamon
single star student
single star student
Okazaki Tamon

Male Jumlah posting : 61
Age : 33
Class : A senior
Alice : Hacking
Registration date : 21.03.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Anywhere I don't Care
Self Quote: Below the courage there's nothing

Tangga senior high Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Tangga senior high   Tangga senior high Icon_minitimeThu Apr 03, 2008 4:48 pm

"kalo nggak salah A senior, apa B senior yah... Tau ah" ucapnya sambil tertawa & ia berdiri lagi

"aku Tamon. Okazaki Tamon... Terima kasih sudah memberitahuku"
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Hoshino Akari
single star student
single star student
Hoshino Akari

Female Jumlah posting : 61
Age : 32
ability : Special Ability
Class : A - senior high school
Alice : Air Manipulation
Registration date : 18.03.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Jalan-jalan di central town
Self Quote: I would never beg for anything... I prefer to die than must beg for something. Even that's important thing...

Tangga senior high Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Tangga senior high   Tangga senior high Icon_minitimeThu Apr 03, 2008 6:08 pm

"Sama-sama..." balas Akari.

"Engg,kalau mau ke kelas sekarang,aku tidak bisa menemani sepertinya. Harus ke perpustakaan,mengembalikan buku." ujar Akari sambil melirik buku di dekapannya.
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Okazaki Tamon
single star student
single star student
Okazaki Tamon

Male Jumlah posting : 61
Age : 33
Class : A senior
Alice : Hacking
Registration date : 21.03.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Anywhere I don't Care
Self Quote: Below the courage there's nothing

Tangga senior high Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Tangga senior high   Tangga senior high Icon_minitimeFri Apr 04, 2008 9:24 am

"....aku ikut deh" ujar pemuda itu, sambil menggaruk kepalanya walau tidak gatal... "lagipula aku tidak ada kerjaan, dan karena aku anak baru, aku mau melihat-lihat akademi ini" ujarnya dengan senyum. Tamon membetulkan topi-atau-helm nya dan tersenyum pada Akari. "bagaimana, tidak keberatan, kan menemaniku, anak baru akademi..."
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Hoshino Akari
single star student
single star student
Hoshino Akari

Female Jumlah posting : 61
Age : 32
ability : Special Ability
Class : A - senior high school
Alice : Air Manipulation
Registration date : 18.03.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Jalan-jalan di central town
Self Quote: I would never beg for anything... I prefer to die than must beg for something. Even that's important thing...

Tangga senior high Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Tangga senior high   Tangga senior high Icon_minitimeFri Apr 04, 2008 10:08 am

"Ya,sudah... Ngomong-ngomong,kau dari ability apa ?" tanya akari.

"Aku special ability."
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Okazaki Tamon
single star student
single star student
Okazaki Tamon

Male Jumlah posting : 61
Age : 33
Class : A senior
Alice : Hacking
Registration date : 21.03.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Anywhere I don't Care
Self Quote: Below the courage there's nothing

Tangga senior high Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Tangga senior high   Tangga senior high Icon_minitimeFri Apr 04, 2008 10:39 am

"laten yah...kalau tidak salah" jawabnya tegang. Tamon berusaha untuk tersenyum di depan Akari.
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Hoshino Akari
single star student
single star student
Hoshino Akari

Female Jumlah posting : 61
Age : 32
ability : Special Ability
Class : A - senior high school
Alice : Air Manipulation
Registration date : 18.03.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Jalan-jalan di central town
Self Quote: I would never beg for anything... I prefer to die than must beg for something. Even that's important thing...

Tangga senior high Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Tangga senior high   Tangga senior high Icon_minitimeFri Apr 04, 2008 5:46 pm

Akari terkikik pelan,melihat Tamon yg terlihat memaksa senyumnya.

"Tegang kenapa ? Gugup baru masuk sini ?"
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Okazaki Tamon
single star student
single star student
Okazaki Tamon

Male Jumlah posting : 61
Age : 33
Class : A senior
Alice : Hacking
Registration date : 21.03.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Anywhere I don't Care
Self Quote: Below the courage there's nothing

Tangga senior high Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Tangga senior high   Tangga senior high Icon_minitimeFri Apr 04, 2008 10:17 pm

"...ahaha, nggak, nggak...!" ucap tamon tertawa.

"perpusnya dimana?"
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Kozuki Makoto
Dangerous Special Student
Dangerous Special Student
Kozuki Makoto

Female Jumlah posting : 1175
Age : 33
ability : Dangerous
Class : A-High School
Alice : Genetic Engineering Alice
Registration date : 02.04.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Special Star
Location: meneketemprot
Self Quote: Semua orang pasti membenciku.....aku memang payah.....

Tangga senior high Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Tangga senior high   Tangga senior high Icon_minitimeSat Apr 05, 2008 9:47 am

Makoto jalan ke tangga senior high, bersama Skitty yang baru diadopsinya ^^

Dia melihat Tamon dan Akari.
"Yo~ Ada apa,yah?" cengir Makoto.
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Okazaki Tamon
single star student
single star student
Okazaki Tamon

Male Jumlah posting : 61
Age : 33
Class : A senior
Alice : Hacking
Registration date : 21.03.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Anywhere I don't Care
Self Quote: Below the courage there's nothing

Tangga senior high Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Tangga senior high   Tangga senior high Icon_minitimeSat Apr 05, 2008 9:51 am

"yo...!" sapa Tamon.

"anak high school juga?"
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Kozuki Makoto
Dangerous Special Student
Dangerous Special Student
Kozuki Makoto

Female Jumlah posting : 1175
Age : 33
ability : Dangerous
Class : A-High School
Alice : Genetic Engineering Alice
Registration date : 02.04.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Special Star
Location: meneketemprot
Self Quote: Semua orang pasti membenciku.....aku memang payah.....

Tangga senior high Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Tangga senior high   Tangga senior high Icon_minitimeSat Apr 05, 2008 9:56 am

"Yaaa...Semacam itu" Makoto sok misterius.
"Huum...Kalian sedang apa? Pacaran yah?" kata Makoto menggoda. Saking isengnya ^^;
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Hoshino Akari
single star student
single star student
Hoshino Akari

Female Jumlah posting : 61
Age : 32
ability : Special Ability
Class : A - senior high school
Alice : Air Manipulation
Registration date : 18.03.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Jalan-jalan di central town
Self Quote: I would never beg for anything... I prefer to die than must beg for something. Even that's important thing...

Tangga senior high Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Tangga senior high   Tangga senior high Icon_minitimeSat Apr 05, 2008 10:44 am

Okazaki Tamon wrote:
"...ahaha, nggak, nggak...!" ucap tamon tertawa.

"perpusnya dimana?"

"Err... Di atas... Nggak begitu jauh.." ujar Akari.

Lalu ia beralih pada Makoto.

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roxas elrick
single star student
single star student
roxas elrick

Male Jumlah posting : 1360
Age : 31
ability : Mantan Technical Ability
Alice : Mantan Repair Alice
Registration date : 16.03.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Uknown
Self Quote: Become winner of its problem is not several times you is dropped , but several times you awaken again

Tangga senior high Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Tangga senior high   Tangga senior high Icon_minitimeSat Apr 05, 2008 11:30 am

Roxas yg sekedar lewat melihat ada perkummpulan anak . . .
" Hai lam kenal nama gw roxas kalo loe. . .?? " kata roxas berkenalan ama 3 org itu
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Okazaki Tamon
single star student
single star student
Okazaki Tamon

Male Jumlah posting : 61
Age : 33
Class : A senior
Alice : Hacking
Registration date : 21.03.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Anywhere I don't Care
Self Quote: Below the courage there's nothing

Tangga senior high Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Tangga senior high   Tangga senior high Icon_minitimeSat Apr 05, 2008 2:22 pm

Quote :
"Huum...Kalian sedang apa? Pacaran yah?"

Tamon nyengir kuda di depan Makoto.

"kuharap begitu. wakakakakak....!!"
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Hoshino Akari
single star student
single star student
Hoshino Akari

Female Jumlah posting : 61
Age : 32
ability : Special Ability
Class : A - senior high school
Alice : Air Manipulation
Registration date : 18.03.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Jalan-jalan di central town
Self Quote: I would never beg for anything... I prefer to die than must beg for something. Even that's important thing...

Tangga senior high Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Tangga senior high   Tangga senior high Icon_minitimeSat Apr 05, 2008 2:48 pm

"Ta-tamoon !! Maksudmu itu apa ?!" bentak Akari.

"Jangan dengarkan dia ya...ahahahaha..." ujar Akari,agak salah tingkah,pada Makoto.

Lalu ia memandang tajam pada Tamon,sambil tersenyum mengancam.
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Okazaki Tamon
single star student
single star student
Okazaki Tamon

Male Jumlah posting : 61
Age : 33
Class : A senior
Alice : Hacking
Registration date : 21.03.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Anywhere I don't Care
Self Quote: Below the courage there's nothing

Tangga senior high Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Tangga senior high   Tangga senior high Icon_minitimeSat Apr 05, 2008 3:44 pm

"ahaaai, kau memanggil namaku tanpa embel-embel sama sekali" ucap tamon jahil.
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Hoshino Akari
single star student
single star student
Hoshino Akari

Female Jumlah posting : 61
Age : 32
ability : Special Ability
Class : A - senior high school
Alice : Air Manipulation
Registration date : 18.03.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Jalan-jalan di central town
Self Quote: I would never beg for anything... I prefer to die than must beg for something. Even that's important thing...

Tangga senior high Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Tangga senior high   Tangga senior high Icon_minitimeSat Apr 05, 2008 3:47 pm

"Tamon..." ujar Akari.

"Kau mau kubuat mati sesak napas ?"
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Okazaki Tamon
single star student
single star student
Okazaki Tamon

Male Jumlah posting : 61
Age : 33
Class : A senior
Alice : Hacking
Registration date : 21.03.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Anywhere I don't Care
Self Quote: Below the courage there's nothing

Tangga senior high Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Tangga senior high   Tangga senior high Icon_minitimeSat Apr 05, 2008 3:55 pm

"tenang, aku tidak takut mati"

"seandainya aku mati sesak, pasti orang-orang di akademi akan menangkap pelakunya. lalu aku santai saja di alam sana. Kemudian, kalau aku dendam, aku bisa turun ke bumi dan membunuhmu lho, seperti di film-film"

ucap anak bodoh itu santai..
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Hoshino Akari
single star student
single star student
Hoshino Akari

Female Jumlah posting : 61
Age : 32
ability : Special Ability
Class : A - senior high school
Alice : Air Manipulation
Registration date : 18.03.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Jalan-jalan di central town
Self Quote: I would never beg for anything... I prefer to die than must beg for something. Even that's important thing...

Tangga senior high Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Tangga senior high   Tangga senior high Icon_minitimeSat Apr 05, 2008 4:02 pm

"Menarik... Jujur saja,menurutku kau orang yg menarik walau tampak sedikit bodoh..." ujar akari,tanpa pikir panjang.

"Kalau dilihat-lihat,tampangmu itu lucu deh..." lanjut akari,sambil mencubit pipi tamon.

OOT : wehehe... senyum tanpa dosa iseng... kyaha~ *g jelas*
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Tangga senior high Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Tangga senior high   Tangga senior high Icon_minitime

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Tangga senior high
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