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Abstract School RPG

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 Refreshing at Central Town

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3 posters
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yagami raichito
single star student
single star student
yagami raichito

Male Jumlah posting : 1130
Age : 29
ability : Dangerous ability
Class : A junior high school
Alice : deathly touch alice
Registration date : 18.12.07

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Di sebuah tempat...
Self Quote: When my time comes, forget the wrong that i've done, help me leave behind some, reasons to be missed, don't resent me and when you're feeling empty, keep me in your memory, leave out all the rest

Refreshing at Central Town - Page 3 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Refreshing at Central Town   Refreshing at Central Town - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 07, 2008 8:17 pm

"ayo! Hiino, aku N neeve bli makanan dlu ya! Sampai jmpa lg..."

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Neeve Mounsier
Double Star Student
Double Star Student
Neeve Mounsier

Male Jumlah posting : 1853
Age : 30
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : Double Personality Alice
Registration date : 18.12.07

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Double Star
Location: Sekarat di hospital
Self Quote: There's no more chocolate again... Sorry,guys... And,good bye

Refreshing at Central Town - Page 3 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Refreshing at Central Town   Refreshing at Central Town - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 08, 2008 8:50 am

Neeve lalu berdiri membawa buku yg ia baca tadi,dan berjalan bersama Raichito.

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Refreshing at Central Town
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