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Abstract School RPG

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 At The Woods [Noon]

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Nagumo Sei
single star student
single star student
Nagumo Sei

Male Jumlah posting : 757
Age : 32
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : A-Senior High
Alice : Marionette Alice
Registration date : 18.02.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Unknown
Self Quote: Even.... The Death Choose Me...

At The Woods [Noon] Empty
PostSubyek: At The Woods [Noon]   At The Woods [Noon] Icon_minitimeSat Mar 08, 2008 10:20 am

Setelah berjalan cukup lama dari hospital, Sei tiba di Woods

Ia melepaskan rantai yang terlilit di tangan kirinya, dan menggunakan alicenya.

Rantai itu melilit di batang sebuah pohon besar. Sei lalu naik ke atas pohon itu dengan meggunakan rantainya (pake gaya spiderman? ^_^;; )

Ia duduk bersandar di pohon itu. melihat sebuah pohon yang lebih besar dari pohon tempat ia berada sambil menunggu kedatangan Hiino dan Chiaki.
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Yamashita Chiaki
single star student
single star student
Yamashita Chiaki

Female Jumlah posting : 2630
Age : 30
ability : Somatic Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : Plant Controller
Registration date : 30.01.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere that I belong to?
Self Quote: I trust you. Even thought you don't trust me, or maybe hate me... Still, I believe in you.

At The Woods [Noon] Empty
PostSubyek: Re: At The Woods [Noon]   At The Woods [Noon] Icon_minitimeSat Mar 08, 2008 10:55 am

Chiaki berjalan masuk ke dalam Woods.

"Dimana yang lainnya ya...?" Chiaki melihat sekeliling.

Chiaki mendongakkan kepalanya dan melihat ke atas. Hingga akhirnya, dia menemukan Sei sedang duduk di atas sebuah pohon.

"Akhirnya ketemu!" Chiaki berlari kecil ke bawah pohon tempat Sei berada.
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Wanijima Hiino
Student Agent
Student Agent
Wanijima Hiino

Male Jumlah posting : 4523
Age : 32
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : ressurection alice
Registration date : 02.11.07

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Student Agent
Location: Lagi g kemana mana ^^;;
Self Quote: Aku memang lelaki paling malang di akademi ini...

At The Woods [Noon] Empty
PostSubyek: Re: At The Woods [Noon]   At The Woods [Noon] Icon_minitimeSat Mar 08, 2008 11:05 am

"yo" sap hiino pada orang yg ada di atas pohon.
Ia mengecilkan volume iPOD miliknya.....

[dari tada hiino ditarik tangannya g?]
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Nagumo Sei
single star student
single star student
Nagumo Sei

Male Jumlah posting : 757
Age : 32
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : A-Senior High
Alice : Marionette Alice
Registration date : 18.02.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Unknown
Self Quote: Even.... The Death Choose Me...

At The Woods [Noon] Empty
PostSubyek: Re: At The Woods [Noon]   At The Woods [Noon] Icon_minitimeSat Mar 08, 2008 11:12 am

"lama sekali...", ujarnya sambil melihat chiaki dan hiino.

"kalian mau naik?", tanyanya sambil mengeluarkan note book dan sebuah bolpoin dari sakunya.

(jarak dari tempat sei ke bawah---3m, ketinggian ga? sweatdrop )
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Yamashita Chiaki
single star student
single star student
Yamashita Chiaki

Female Jumlah posting : 2630
Age : 30
ability : Somatic Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : Plant Controller
Registration date : 30.01.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere that I belong to?
Self Quote: I trust you. Even thought you don't trust me, or maybe hate me... Still, I believe in you.

At The Woods [Noon] Empty
PostSubyek: Re: At The Woods [Noon]   At The Woods [Noon] Icon_minitimeSat Mar 08, 2008 11:17 am

OOT : @Nao : Nggak deh^^ Masa' Chiaki narik2 tangan Hiino dari Hospital sampe Woods?^^ Kayak binatang piaraan aja^^ *dilempar*

IT :
"Naik sih, mau saja... Tapi..." Chiaki menggaruk-garuk kepalanya.

"Sial... Aku nggak pernah naik pohon..."

"Dibawah saja ya... Aku nggak bisa naik pohon." Akhirnya, Chiaki berkata jujur juga.
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Wanijima Hiino
Student Agent
Student Agent
Wanijima Hiino

Male Jumlah posting : 4523
Age : 32
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : ressurection alice
Registration date : 02.11.07

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Student Agent
Location: Lagi g kemana mana ^^;;
Self Quote: Aku memang lelaki paling malang di akademi ini...

At The Woods [Noon] Empty
PostSubyek: Re: At The Woods [Noon]   At The Woods [Noon] Icon_minitimeSat Mar 08, 2008 3:03 pm

OOT : bukannya chiaki plant controller, kenapa ngga buat pohonnya pendek =)) --ngaco--

IT :

".....itu tempat tidur kesayanganku....."
ujarnya pada Sei, berkata tanpa ekspresi.

sejak mereka berdua belum ada di akademi, tempat ini adalah tempat tidur kesayangan Hiino.
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Nagumo Sei
single star student
single star student
Nagumo Sei

Male Jumlah posting : 757
Age : 32
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : A-Senior High
Alice : Marionette Alice
Registration date : 18.02.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Unknown
Self Quote: Even.... The Death Choose Me...

At The Woods [Noon] Empty
PostSubyek: Re: At The Woods [Noon]   At The Woods [Noon] Icon_minitimeSat Mar 08, 2008 3:42 pm

"begitu...", gumam sei "hmmm..."

Sei lalu menaruh kembali note book yang belum terisi apapun itu ke sakunya lalu melompat ke bawah.

"maaf", ujarnya.
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Yamashita Chiaki
single star student
single star student
Yamashita Chiaki

Female Jumlah posting : 2630
Age : 30
ability : Somatic Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : Plant Controller
Registration date : 30.01.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere that I belong to?
Self Quote: I trust you. Even thought you don't trust me, or maybe hate me... Still, I believe in you.

At The Woods [Noon] Empty
PostSubyek: Re: At The Woods [Noon]   At The Woods [Noon] Icon_minitimeSat Mar 08, 2008 4:39 pm

"Sei-senpai! Katanya mau menunjukkan sesuatu. Mana...?" tagih Chiaki.

Terakhir diubah oleh Yamashita Chiaki tanggal Sun Mar 09, 2008 1:21 pm, total 1 kali diubah
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Nagumo Sei
single star student
single star student
Nagumo Sei

Male Jumlah posting : 757
Age : 32
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : A-Senior High
Alice : Marionette Alice
Registration date : 18.02.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Unknown
Self Quote: Even.... The Death Choose Me...

At The Woods [Noon] Empty
PostSubyek: Re: At The Woods [Noon]   At The Woods [Noon] Icon_minitimeSat Mar 08, 2008 6:54 pm

"ya...", jawabnya " hal yang jarang kulakukan, bukan?"

Sei lalu berpikir. "hmm..."

"kurasa...hanya mendengar suara alam", ujarnya.
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Yamashita Chiaki
single star student
single star student
Yamashita Chiaki

Female Jumlah posting : 2630
Age : 30
ability : Somatic Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : Plant Controller
Registration date : 30.01.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere that I belong to?
Self Quote: I trust you. Even thought you don't trust me, or maybe hate me... Still, I believe in you.

At The Woods [Noon] Empty
PostSubyek: Re: At The Woods [Noon]   At The Woods [Noon] Icon_minitimeSat Mar 08, 2008 11:13 pm

"Mendengarkan suara alam? Aku juga jarang mendengarkannya..." ucap Chiaki sambil menikmati suasana sepi dan tenang yang menurutnya nyaman itu.

Chiaki merenggangkan kedua tangannya dan bersandar pada subuah pohon.
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Nagumo Sei
single star student
single star student
Nagumo Sei

Male Jumlah posting : 757
Age : 32
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : A-Senior High
Alice : Marionette Alice
Registration date : 18.02.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Unknown
Self Quote: Even.... The Death Choose Me...

At The Woods [Noon] Empty
PostSubyek: Re: At The Woods [Noon]   At The Woods [Noon] Icon_minitimeSun Mar 09, 2008 9:43 am

"ya...", jawabnya singkat

Sorot mata dan nada berubah menjadi dingin kembali.
"sekarang, aku sudah memperlihatkannya...", ujarnya. "hal yang jarang kulakukan.."

"apa itu cukup?"
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Yamashita Chiaki
single star student
single star student
Yamashita Chiaki

Female Jumlah posting : 2630
Age : 30
ability : Somatic Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : Plant Controller
Registration date : 30.01.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere that I belong to?
Self Quote: I trust you. Even thought you don't trust me, or maybe hate me... Still, I believe in you.

At The Woods [Noon] Empty
PostSubyek: Re: At The Woods [Noon]   At The Woods [Noon] Icon_minitimeSun Mar 09, 2008 11:31 am

"Um..." Chiaki menggelengkan kepalanya. "Masih belum sih... Tapi, kalau hanya hal itu saja yang senpai jarang lakukan, yah... Aku tidak bisa memaksa."
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Nagumo Sei
single star student
single star student
Nagumo Sei

Male Jumlah posting : 757
Age : 32
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : A-Senior High
Alice : Marionette Alice
Registration date : 18.02.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Unknown
Self Quote: Even.... The Death Choose Me...

At The Woods [Noon] Empty
PostSubyek: Re: At The Woods [Noon]   At The Woods [Noon] Icon_minitimeSun Mar 09, 2008 11:37 am

"aku tidak peduli apa yang akan kau katakan, tapi..."

"setelah ini, anggap saja. kita tidak pernah bertemu sebelumnya.", ujarnya dingin.
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Yamashita Chiaki
single star student
single star student
Yamashita Chiaki

Female Jumlah posting : 2630
Age : 30
ability : Somatic Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : Plant Controller
Registration date : 30.01.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere that I belong to?
Self Quote: I trust you. Even thought you don't trust me, or maybe hate me... Still, I believe in you.

At The Woods [Noon] Empty
PostSubyek: Re: At The Woods [Noon]   At The Woods [Noon] Icon_minitimeSun Mar 09, 2008 12:18 pm

"Kenapa? Padahal, kita baru saja kenal..."
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Nagumo Sei
single star student
single star student
Nagumo Sei

Male Jumlah posting : 757
Age : 32
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : A-Senior High
Alice : Marionette Alice
Registration date : 18.02.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Unknown
Self Quote: Even.... The Death Choose Me...

At The Woods [Noon] Empty
PostSubyek: Re: At The Woods [Noon]   At The Woods [Noon] Icon_minitimeSun Mar 09, 2008 12:24 pm

"karena....pasti kau akan menyesal...", jawabnya.

"tidak pernah ada yang menyukaiku...", ujarnya. "semua selalu membenciku"

"begitu pun juga kau...."
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Yamashita Chiaki
single star student
single star student
Yamashita Chiaki

Female Jumlah posting : 2630
Age : 30
ability : Somatic Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : Plant Controller
Registration date : 30.01.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere that I belong to?
Self Quote: I trust you. Even thought you don't trust me, or maybe hate me... Still, I believe in you.

At The Woods [Noon] Empty
PostSubyek: Re: At The Woods [Noon]   At The Woods [Noon] Icon_minitimeSun Mar 09, 2008 1:27 pm

"Aku tidak pernah dan tidak akan pernah membenci siapapun. Mungkin seharusnya, pemikiran negatif senpai itu saja yang harus dihilangkan. Tidak baik berpikiran negatif seperti itu melulu."

Chiaki terdiam sebentar. "Kalau senpai bilang aku akan menyesal bertemu dengan senpai, maka aku akan coba untuk tidak menyesalinya."
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Nagumo Sei
single star student
single star student
Nagumo Sei

Male Jumlah posting : 757
Age : 32
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : A-Senior High
Alice : Marionette Alice
Registration date : 18.02.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Unknown
Self Quote: Even.... The Death Choose Me...

At The Woods [Noon] Empty
PostSubyek: Re: At The Woods [Noon]   At The Woods [Noon] Icon_minitimeSun Mar 09, 2008 2:34 pm

"kau tidak akan pernah tau...", balasnya. "kau tidak akan tau diriku yang sebenarnya..."

"karena itulah....", ujarnya lagi. "kumohon... jangan biarkan aku memperlihatkan diriku yang sebenarnya..."
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Yamashita Chiaki
single star student
single star student
Yamashita Chiaki

Female Jumlah posting : 2630
Age : 30
ability : Somatic Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : Plant Controller
Registration date : 30.01.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere that I belong to?
Self Quote: I trust you. Even thought you don't trust me, or maybe hate me... Still, I believe in you.

At The Woods [Noon] Empty
PostSubyek: Re: At The Woods [Noon]   At The Woods [Noon] Icon_minitimeSun Mar 09, 2008 6:53 pm

"Walaupun senpai bilang aku tidak akan pernah mengetahui diri senpai yang sebenarnya, tapi aku akan selalu mencoba untuk mencari taunya."

Chiaki tersenyum kecil. "Maaf saja. Tapi, begitulah sifatku yang selalu ingin tahu."

"Percuma saja menyembunyikan. Karena suatu saat, aku pasti akan melihatnya."
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Nagumo Sei
single star student
single star student
Nagumo Sei

Male Jumlah posting : 757
Age : 32
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : A-Senior High
Alice : Marionette Alice
Registration date : 18.02.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Unknown
Self Quote: Even.... The Death Choose Me...

At The Woods [Noon] Empty
PostSubyek: Re: At The Woods [Noon]   At The Woods [Noon] Icon_minitimeSun Mar 09, 2008 7:03 pm

"kalau begitu...", jawabnya sambil tersenyum sinis.

lalu ia mendorong chiaki ke pohon dan mencekik lehernya dengan tangan kirinya dan menggores lehernya dengan kukunya.

"apa kau sudah siap, menerima arti dari rasa 'sakit'?", ucapnya di telinga chiaki.

(OOt: waduh, hiino terlupakan nih sweatdrop )
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Yamashita Chiaki
single star student
single star student
Yamashita Chiaki

Female Jumlah posting : 2630
Age : 30
ability : Somatic Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : Plant Controller
Registration date : 30.01.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere that I belong to?
Self Quote: I trust you. Even thought you don't trust me, or maybe hate me... Still, I believe in you.

At The Woods [Noon] Empty
PostSubyek: Re: At The Woods [Noon]   At The Woods [Noon] Icon_minitimeSun Mar 09, 2008 7:23 pm


Chiaki menjatuhkan sebutir biji ke tanah. Kemudian dari biji itu, tumbuh sulur tanaman yang langsung melilit di tangan Sei dan menarik tangan Sei agar lepas dari leher Chiaki. Chiaki jatuh ke tanah dalam posisi duduk bersimpuh (bayangin sendiri, susah nyusun kata2-nya).

"Maaf... Tapi, aku tidak terlalu suka kekerasan..." ucapnya sambil menggosok luka di lehernya itu.

"Sampai-sampai aku harus menunjukkan aliceku... Untungnya ini di hutan..."
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Nagumo Sei
single star student
single star student
Nagumo Sei

Male Jumlah posting : 757
Age : 32
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : A-Senior High
Alice : Marionette Alice
Registration date : 18.02.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Unknown
Self Quote: Even.... The Death Choose Me...

At The Woods [Noon] Empty
PostSubyek: Re: At The Woods [Noon]   At The Woods [Noon] Icon_minitimeSun Mar 09, 2008 7:27 pm

Sei kembali sadar. "ah....maaf", ujarnya dengan nada menyesal. "kau tidak apa-apa kan?"

"beginilah yang selalu terjadi....saat seseorang ingin menjadi..." sei menghentikan kata-katanya dan diam sejenak.

"karenanya, kuperingatkan kau tadi..."
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Yamashita Chiaki
single star student
single star student
Yamashita Chiaki

Female Jumlah posting : 2630
Age : 30
ability : Somatic Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : Plant Controller
Registration date : 30.01.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere that I belong to?
Self Quote: I trust you. Even thought you don't trust me, or maybe hate me... Still, I believe in you.

At The Woods [Noon] Empty
PostSubyek: Re: At The Woods [Noon]   At The Woods [Noon] Icon_minitimeMon Mar 10, 2008 3:26 am

"Yap, tak apa..." jawab Chiaki sambil bangkit dari posisi duduknya.

"Aku bisa memaklumi kok. Cowok memang susah ditebak apa isi hatinya..."
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Nagumo Sei
single star student
single star student
Nagumo Sei

Male Jumlah posting : 757
Age : 32
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : A-Senior High
Alice : Marionette Alice
Registration date : 18.02.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Unknown
Self Quote: Even.... The Death Choose Me...

At The Woods [Noon] Empty
PostSubyek: Re: At The Woods [Noon]   At The Woods [Noon] Icon_minitimeMon Mar 10, 2008 12:59 pm

"bukan begitu...", balasnya dengan raut wajah yang sedih.

"ternyata kau juga tidak bisa memahamiku..."
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Yamashita Chiaki
single star student
single star student
Yamashita Chiaki

Female Jumlah posting : 2630
Age : 30
ability : Somatic Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : Plant Controller
Registration date : 30.01.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere that I belong to?
Self Quote: I trust you. Even thought you don't trust me, or maybe hate me... Still, I believe in you.

At The Woods [Noon] Empty
PostSubyek: Re: At The Woods [Noon]   At The Woods [Noon] Icon_minitimeMon Mar 10, 2008 5:52 pm

"Iya... Aku mengerti. Aku memang paling bodoh kalau disuruh memahami apa isi hati seorang laki-laki."

Chiaki berjalan menjauhi Sei sedikit dan duduk kembali di bawah sebuah pohon.

"Kau ingin sendirian dan tidak diganggu olehku 'kan...? Kalau begitu, aku akan diam di sini saja dan berusaha untuk tidak mengganggumu."
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Nagumo Sei
single star student
single star student
Nagumo Sei

Male Jumlah posting : 757
Age : 32
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : A-Senior High
Alice : Marionette Alice
Registration date : 18.02.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Unknown
Self Quote: Even.... The Death Choose Me...

At The Woods [Noon] Empty
PostSubyek: Re: At The Woods [Noon]   At The Woods [Noon] Icon_minitimeMon Mar 10, 2008 8:00 pm

OOT: Wah , ngambek =__=;; "disepak"


Sei hanya tersenyum melihat tingkah laku chiaki. lalu mendekatinya

Ia lalu jongkok dan bicara di hadapannya "jadi apakah...kau sudah menyerah..?"
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At The Woods [Noon] Empty
PostSubyek: Re: At The Woods [Noon]   At The Woods [Noon] Icon_minitime

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At The Woods [Noon]
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