Abstract School RPG
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Abstract School RPG

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 Broken tree house

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Hidekazu Kaishou
Osaki Hime
roxas elrick
Kunogi Miyu
14 posters
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new student
new student

Female Jumlah posting : 441
Age : 30
ability : Laten Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : Spark Energy Alice
Registration date : 08.03.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: tukang keliling..jadi ada dimana-mana(?)

Broken tree house - Page 5 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Broken tree house   Broken tree house - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 20, 2008 2:55 pm

Sefron wrote:

"lapar..." ujarnya ke yukari singkat

"sama"jawabnya singkat

"ada yang punya maknan gak??"tanyanya ke semua*gak tau malu*
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single star student
single star student

Male Jumlah posting : 1538
Age : 31
ability : Dangerous ability
Class : Junior High A
Alice : Indigo alice
Registration date : 16.01.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: abis dari hospital
Self Quote: Memento Mori.. remember you will die.. je pense donc, je suis.. la mort est personiffe..

Broken tree house - Page 5 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Broken tree house   Broken tree house - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 20, 2008 2:56 pm

"kruuuyuukk..." bunyi perut sefron yang terdengar jelas

"punya makanan?" ujarnya ke aoi dengan tampang melas.
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single star student
single star student

Female Jumlah posting : 2748
Age : 29
ability : Somatic Ability
Class : A-Junior High School
Alice : Hair Manipulation
Registration date : 28.03.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: entah lah... =__=
Self Quote: even in the night I see your face in the dark, so I never lose my way to you, I never close my heart, the light is always there

Broken tree house - Page 5 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Broken tree house   Broken tree house - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 20, 2008 2:57 pm

"aku ada...!! tadi abis dari CT beli makanan.." ucapnya ke Yukari dan Sefron sambil memberikan snacknya ke mereka berdua.
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single star student
single star student

Male Jumlah posting : 3195
Age : 33
ability : Special Ability
Class : B-Senior High Class
Alice : Manipulate Times Alice
Registration date : 07.02.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere...
Self Quote: GILA2AN..GILA2AN...GILA2AN..!!!

Broken tree house - Page 5 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Broken tree house   Broken tree house - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 20, 2008 2:59 pm

Byakuran merogoh kantongnya,mengeluarkan beberapa batang coklat dan permen..

"Nih....."ujarnya sambil melempar beberapa batang coklat ke sefron dan aoi.
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new student
new student

Female Jumlah posting : 441
Age : 30
ability : Laten Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : Spark Energy Alice
Registration date : 08.03.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: tukang keliling..jadi ada dimana-mana(?)

Broken tree house - Page 5 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Broken tree house   Broken tree house - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 20, 2008 3:00 pm

"makasih aoi,aoi baik deh!yukari makan ya!"tersenyum senyum tanpa dosa lalu mengembil snacknya.

"nyam.nyam enak banget..!sekali lagi makasih ya!"meneruskan makannya
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single star student
single star student

Male Jumlah posting : 1538
Age : 31
ability : Dangerous ability
Class : Junior High A
Alice : Indigo alice
Registration date : 16.01.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: abis dari hospital
Self Quote: Memento Mori.. remember you will die.. je pense donc, je suis.. la mort est personiffe..

Broken tree house - Page 5 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Broken tree house   Broken tree house - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 20, 2008 3:00 pm



"mau...lagi...." kata sefron lagi..
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Hidekazu Kaishou
Hidekazu Kaishou

Male Jumlah posting : 2822
Age : 38
ability : Laten Ability
Class : A-Senior High School Homeroom Teacher
Alice : Smoke Alice
Registration date : 14.03.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Teacher
Location: jalan2 gak jelas ke mana
Self Quote: I believe in...nothing...

Broken tree house - Page 5 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Broken tree house   Broken tree house - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 20, 2008 3:04 pm

Kazu yang baru aja ngasih pamflet-pamflet yang udah difotokopi ke Makoto...nyasar ke Woods pas lagi nyari anggotanya yang pada ilang semua.

...dan dia melihat Byakuran di sana.

"Ranran-kun~" katanya dengan nada berbahaya. "Wah wah wah... Makoto lagi mengedarkan pamflet untuk promosi dan kau...enak-enak di sini?"

Dia menyadari keberadaan Misaki, Aoi, dan cewek-cewek yang lainnya.

"Bonjour, Mademoiselle~ Senang bertemu dengan kalian..." kata Kazu sambil membungkuk ala seorang ketua host club.
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new student
new student

Female Jumlah posting : 441
Age : 30
ability : Laten Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : Spark Energy Alice
Registration date : 08.03.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: tukang keliling..jadi ada dimana-mana(?)

Broken tree house - Page 5 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Broken tree house   Broken tree house - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 20, 2008 3:05 pm

"dasar rakus...!"sambil terus makan

beberapa menit kemudian.

"ah kenyang udah ah..makaih ya aoi"tersenyum penuh arti keaoi

"dah kenyang aoi q mau ke kamar dulu ma ikut gak???"tanyanya ke aoi
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single star student
single star student

Female Jumlah posting : 2748
Age : 29
ability : Somatic Ability
Class : A-Junior High School
Alice : Hair Manipulation
Registration date : 28.03.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: entah lah... =__=
Self Quote: even in the night I see your face in the dark, so I never lose my way to you, I never close my heart, the light is always there

Broken tree house - Page 5 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Broken tree house   Broken tree house - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 20, 2008 3:06 pm

"nggak deh... aku mau ke cafe aja..." ucapnya sambil turun dari pohon.
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single star student
single star student

Male Jumlah posting : 1538
Age : 31
ability : Dangerous ability
Class : Junior High A
Alice : Indigo alice
Registration date : 16.01.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: abis dari hospital
Self Quote: Memento Mori.. remember you will die.. je pense donc, je suis.. la mort est personiffe..

Broken tree house - Page 5 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Broken tree house   Broken tree house - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 20, 2008 3:07 pm

"gw aja yang ikut..." kata sefron sambil tersenyum kecil

"aoi lagi mesra-mesranya ama roxas jangan diganggu" kata sefron menghardik yukari
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new student
new student

Female Jumlah posting : 441
Age : 30
ability : Laten Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : Spark Energy Alice
Registration date : 08.03.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: tukang keliling..jadi ada dimana-mana(?)

Broken tree house - Page 5 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Broken tree house   Broken tree house - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 20, 2008 3:08 pm

"gak..mau yukari mau tidur ngantuk!"jawabnya sinis...

"ya udah dah..!"yukari pun turun dari pohon tersebut

"dah semuanya!"melambaikan tangan kesemua orang diatas..


Terakhir diubah oleh Yukari tanggal Sun Apr 20, 2008 3:09 pm, total 1 kali diubah
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single star student
single star student

Female Jumlah posting : 2748
Age : 29
ability : Somatic Ability
Class : A-Junior High School
Alice : Hair Manipulation
Registration date : 28.03.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: entah lah... =__=
Self Quote: even in the night I see your face in the dark, so I never lose my way to you, I never close my heart, the light is always there

Broken tree house - Page 5 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Broken tree house   Broken tree house - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 20, 2008 3:08 pm

"cih... aku mau ke cafe kog.." ujarnya sinis pada sefron.
Kembali Ke Atas Go down
single star student
single star student

Male Jumlah posting : 3195
Age : 33
ability : Special Ability
Class : B-Senior High Class
Alice : Manipulate Times Alice
Registration date : 07.02.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere...
Self Quote: GILA2AN..GILA2AN...GILA2AN..!!!

Broken tree house - Page 5 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Broken tree house   Broken tree house - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 20, 2008 3:08 pm

Quote :
"Ranran-kun~" katanya dengan nada berbahaya.
"Wah wah wah... Makoto lagi mengedarkan pamflet untuk promosi dan
kau...enak-enak di sini?"

"Dengan cara inilah saya berpromosi...."gumamnya pelan dan dingin pada sang ketua host club itu...

"Promosi dari mulut ke mulut lebih efektif daripada menyebarkan pamflet....menurut saya sih gitu...."
Kembali Ke Atas Go down
Hidekazu Kaishou
Hidekazu Kaishou

Male Jumlah posting : 2822
Age : 38
ability : Laten Ability
Class : A-Senior High School Homeroom Teacher
Alice : Smoke Alice
Registration date : 14.03.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Teacher
Location: jalan2 gak jelas ke mana
Self Quote: I believe in...nothing...

Broken tree house - Page 5 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Broken tree house   Broken tree house - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 20, 2008 3:12 pm

Quote :
"Dengan cara inilah saya berpromosi...."gumamnya pelan dan dingin pada sang ketua host club itu...

"Promosi dari mulut ke mulut lebih efektif daripada menyebarkan pamflet....menurut saya sih gitu...."

"Oya? Kau sedang promosi ya? Maaf, maaf... Aku tidak tahu... Dan gadis-gadis ini, kenalanmu semua?"

Kazu menunjuk Aoi, dan Yukari yang telah meninggalkan tempat itu.
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single star student
single star student

Male Jumlah posting : 1538
Age : 31
ability : Dangerous ability
Class : Junior High A
Alice : Indigo alice
Registration date : 16.01.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: abis dari hospital
Self Quote: Memento Mori.. remember you will die.. je pense donc, je suis.. la mort est personiffe..

Broken tree house - Page 5 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Broken tree house   Broken tree house - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 20, 2008 3:12 pm


"yah..daaa...." ujar sefron sambil melambaikan tangan ke yukari dan aoi.

"hey..byaku! nih..buat lo.." kata sefron sambil melempar coklat ke byakuran dan berjalan keluar.

"he.. roxas... cewek lo ngacir tuh!!" teriak sefron ke roxas yang dari tadi bengong kayak orang kesurupan

Kembali Ke Atas Go down
single star student
single star student

Male Jumlah posting : 3195
Age : 33
ability : Special Ability
Class : B-Senior High Class
Alice : Manipulate Times Alice
Registration date : 07.02.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere...
Self Quote: GILA2AN..GILA2AN...GILA2AN..!!!

Broken tree house - Page 5 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Broken tree house   Broken tree house - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 20, 2008 3:16 pm

Quote :
"Oya? Kau sedang promosi ya? Maaf, maaf... Aku tidak tahu... Dan gadis-gadis ini, kenalanmu semua?"

Kazu menunjuk Aoi, dan Yukari yang telah meninggalkan tempat itu

"bukan..."jawabnya cepat.

"entah mereka siapa....."
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Osaki Hime
Double Star Student
Double Star Student
Osaki Hime

Female Jumlah posting : 6998
Age : 33
ability : Laten Ability
Class : A - Senior High School
Alice : Healing Alice
Registration date : 25.11.07

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Double Star
Self Quote: "I want to be remembered as the girl who always smiles even when her heart is broken, and the one that could always brighten up your day even if she couldn't brighten her own."

Broken tree house - Page 5 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Broken tree house   Broken tree house - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 20, 2008 3:17 pm

"....Pada pergi semua." pikir Hime melihat Sefron mengikuti (?) Aoi dan Yuka. Pandangannya lalu teralih ke arah sensei yang satu divisi dengannya.

"Hmm.. Tumben ada guru yang mampir ke tempat seperti ini."
Kembali Ke Atas Go down
Hidekazu Kaishou
Hidekazu Kaishou

Male Jumlah posting : 2822
Age : 38
ability : Laten Ability
Class : A-Senior High School Homeroom Teacher
Alice : Smoke Alice
Registration date : 14.03.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Teacher
Location: jalan2 gak jelas ke mana
Self Quote: I believe in...nothing...

Broken tree house - Page 5 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Broken tree house   Broken tree house - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 20, 2008 3:20 pm

"Sayang sekali..." kata Kazu sambil nyengir. "Padahal mereka bisa diajak untuk berkunjung sebentar ke tempat kita... Hahahaha... Atau..."

Kazu menghampiri Byakuran.

"...mau ajak Misaki-san?"
Kembali Ke Atas Go down
single star student
single star student

Male Jumlah posting : 3195
Age : 33
ability : Special Ability
Class : B-Senior High Class
Alice : Manipulate Times Alice
Registration date : 07.02.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere...
Self Quote: GILA2AN..GILA2AN...GILA2AN..!!!

Broken tree house - Page 5 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Broken tree house   Broken tree house - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 20, 2008 3:23 pm


Seakan-akan pertanyaan kazu hanyalah angin lalu,byakuran melirik ke arah hime yang dari tadi sibuk memperhatikan kazu-sen.

"...ajak saja hime-san..."ucap byakuran sambil menunjuk ke arah hime...
Kembali Ke Atas Go down
single star student
single star student

Male Jumlah posting : 1538
Age : 31
ability : Dangerous ability
Class : Junior High A
Alice : Indigo alice
Registration date : 16.01.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: abis dari hospital
Self Quote: Memento Mori.. remember you will die.. je pense donc, je suis.. la mort est personiffe..

Broken tree house - Page 5 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Broken tree house   Broken tree house - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 20, 2008 3:26 pm

oot: gw latah keluar...huhuhuhuhu...

sefron kembali lagi...

"eh..gw latah pergi.. sial... nanti mereka ge-er dipikirnya gw ngikutin mereka" kata sefron pada diri sendiri dan menggaruk kepalanya yang tidak gatal. ia pun menendang pohon besar dan sambil berteriak "DASAR CEWEK MENYEBALKAN!!" kata sefron mengingat aoi.
Kembali Ke Atas Go down
Hidekazu Kaishou
Hidekazu Kaishou

Male Jumlah posting : 2822
Age : 38
ability : Laten Ability
Class : A-Senior High School Homeroom Teacher
Alice : Smoke Alice
Registration date : 14.03.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Teacher
Location: jalan2 gak jelas ke mana
Self Quote: I believe in...nothing...

Broken tree house - Page 5 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Broken tree house   Broken tree house - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 20, 2008 3:30 pm

Quote :
"...ajak saja hime-san..."ucap byakuran sambil menunjuk ke arah hime...

"Oya?" Kazu menengok ke arah yang ditunjuk Byakuran. "Aku tidak sadar ada Hime di sini... Apa kabar?"
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Osaki Hime
Double Star Student
Double Star Student
Osaki Hime

Female Jumlah posting : 6998
Age : 33
ability : Laten Ability
Class : A - Senior High School
Alice : Healing Alice
Registration date : 25.11.07

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Double Star
Self Quote: "I want to be remembered as the girl who always smiles even when her heart is broken, and the one that could always brighten up your day even if she couldn't brighten her own."

Broken tree house - Page 5 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Broken tree house   Broken tree house - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 20, 2008 3:33 pm

Byakuran wrote:

Seakan-akan pertanyaan kazu hanyalah angin lalu,byakuran melirik ke arah hime yang dari tadi sibuk memperhatikan kazu-sen.

"...ajak saja hime-san..."ucap byakuran sambil menunjuk ke arah hime...
"Nggak." jawabnya singkat.

Sefron wrote:
"eh..gw latah pergi.. sial... nanti mereka ge-er dipikirnya gw ngikutin mereka" kata sefron pada diri sendiri dan menggaruk kepalanya yang tidak gatal. ia pun menendang pohon besar dan sambil berteriak "DASAR CEWEK MENYEBALKAN!!" kata sefron mengingat aoi.
"........" gadis itu cuma swt melihat Sefron yang teriak-teriak. "Biarpun orangnya berkurang tapi tetep rame."

Hidekazu Kaishou wrote:
"Oya?" Kazu menengok ke arah yang ditunjuk Byakuran. "Aku tidak sadar ada Hime di sini... Apa kabar?"
Hime cuma senyum swt ke arah senseinya^^;;
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Hidekazu Kaishou
Hidekazu Kaishou

Male Jumlah posting : 2822
Age : 38
ability : Laten Ability
Class : A-Senior High School Homeroom Teacher
Alice : Smoke Alice
Registration date : 14.03.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Teacher
Location: jalan2 gak jelas ke mana
Self Quote: I believe in...nothing...

Broken tree house - Page 5 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Broken tree house   Broken tree house - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 20, 2008 3:41 pm

"Dan aku tahu kalau hime bukan tipe yang tertarik dengan begituan..." kata Kazu sambil tersenyum. "Ah, sudahlah... Aku akan cari cara lain untuk promosi... Mumpung nganggur. Jyaa~"

Kazu meninggalkan tempat itu, pergi entah ke mana.

Kembali Ke Atas Go down
Osaki Hime
Double Star Student
Double Star Student
Osaki Hime

Female Jumlah posting : 6998
Age : 33
ability : Laten Ability
Class : A - Senior High School
Alice : Healing Alice
Registration date : 25.11.07

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Double Star
Self Quote: "I want to be remembered as the girl who always smiles even when her heart is broken, and the one that could always brighten up your day even if she couldn't brighten her own."

Broken tree house - Page 5 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Broken tree house   Broken tree house - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 20, 2008 3:49 pm

Hime hanya tersenyum melihat senseinya yang bener-bener semangat mempromosikan Host Clubnya. Gadis itu kemudian beranjak dari tempatnya semula dan berpindah duduk di depan pintu masuk tree house.

"Dari sini lebih jelas.." gumamnya tersenyum simpul.
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single star student
single star student

Female Jumlah posting : 1794
Age : 31
ability : Special Ability
Class : B-Junior High School
Alice : Teleport Alice
Registration date : 06.04.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Pindah2 gr2 alice gw =))
Self Quote: "Saintlike ... I'm holey."

Broken tree house - Page 5 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Broken tree house   Broken tree house - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 20, 2008 3:52 pm

Quote :
"bisa dibilang teman....."byakuran meneruskan."soalnya dia pernah minjemin bajunya ke-aku..."

" minjemin baju..?" tanya Misaki agak heran
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Broken tree house
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