Abstract School RPG
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Abstract School RPG

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 in the top of Junior Hi Building

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Hikarichi Ayuri
Shironeda Ryuen
Akimoto Amon
Osaki Hime
Yamashita Chiaki
Wanijima Hiino
13 posters
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Wanijima Hiino
Student Agent
Student Agent
Wanijima Hiino

Male Jumlah posting : 4523
Age : 32
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : ressurection alice
Registration date : 02.11.07

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Student Agent
Location: Lagi g kemana mana ^^;;
Self Quote: Aku memang lelaki paling malang di akademi ini...

in the top of Junior Hi Building Empty
PostSubyek: in the top of Junior Hi Building   in the top of Junior Hi Building Icon_minitimeFri Feb 22, 2008 8:26 pm

OOT : rp buat siapa aja yg g punya pasangan dansa bisa kabur kesini... takut dihukum ? santai aja, Hiino juga rada nakal koq =))

IT :

di atas gedung sekolah...
langitnya sedikit gelap, tapi terang karena ada cahaya yg berasal dari acara
pesta dansa di central town yg sudah seperti matahari terbenam. Hiino
duduk sambil memandangi bintang yg ada di atas kepalanya.

ngapain yah...
Kembali Ke Atas Go down
new student
new student

Male Jumlah posting : 103
Age : 31
ability : Laten ability
Class : Senior High School - Class A
Alice : Future ear
Registration date : 18.02.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Self Quote: Barsenang-senang sekarang, bersenang-senang kemudian. Ngapain sakit-sakitan?

in the top of Junior Hi Building Empty
PostSubyek: Re: in the top of Junior Hi Building   in the top of Junior Hi Building Icon_minitimeFri Feb 22, 2008 8:43 pm

Lerakrong pun datang, tetapi tidak melihat Wanijima
Lerakrongpun tidur-tiduran dan sambil melihat bintang berkata dalam hati,"Ternyata susah sekali mencari teman. Blum ada yg kukenal disini."
Kembali Ke Atas Go down
new student
new student

Male Jumlah posting : 103
Age : 31
ability : Laten ability
Class : Senior High School - Class A
Alice : Future ear
Registration date : 18.02.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Self Quote: Barsenang-senang sekarang, bersenang-senang kemudian. Ngapain sakit-sakitan?

in the top of Junior Hi Building Empty
PostSubyek: Re: in the top of Junior Hi Building   in the top of Junior Hi Building Icon_minitimeSat Feb 23, 2008 1:33 am

Setelah beberapa jam berpikir di atas atap, Lerakrongpun kembali ke kamarnya
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Yamashita Chiaki
single star student
single star student
Yamashita Chiaki

Female Jumlah posting : 2630
Age : 30
ability : Somatic Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : Plant Controller
Registration date : 30.01.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere that I belong to?
Self Quote: I trust you. Even thought you don't trust me, or maybe hate me... Still, I believe in you.

in the top of Junior Hi Building Empty
PostSubyek: Re: in the top of Junior Hi Building   in the top of Junior Hi Building Icon_minitimeSat Feb 23, 2008 1:18 pm

Chiaki yang baru saja pergi dari Wood akhirnya datang ke atap sekolah. Dia melihat Hiino yang juga sedang berada di sana.

"Eee...? Itu Hiino yah...?"

Chiaki mendekati Hiino untuk memastikan apa orang itu benar-benar Hiino.

"Hiino ya...?" tanya Chiaki.
Kembali Ke Atas Go down
single star student
single star student

Male Jumlah posting : 4893
Age : 30
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : A - Junior High School
Alice : Death Scythe Alice
Registration date : 17.12.07

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere in Heaven..
Self Quote: Totally in Peace...

in the top of Junior Hi Building Empty
PostSubyek: Re: in the top of Junior Hi Building   in the top of Junior Hi Building Icon_minitimeSat Feb 23, 2008 2:51 pm

Azure yang super bosen gara-gara Pasangannya nggak' dateng...berjalan menuju Atap sekolah...sekedar bersantai..

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Osaki Hime
Double Star Student
Double Star Student
Osaki Hime

Female Jumlah posting : 6998
Age : 33
ability : Laten Ability
Class : A - Senior High School
Alice : Healing Alice
Registration date : 25.11.07

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Double Star
Self Quote: "I want to be remembered as the girl who always smiles even when her heart is broken, and the one that could always brighten up your day even if she couldn't brighten her own."

in the top of Junior Hi Building Empty
PostSubyek: Re: in the top of Junior Hi Building   in the top of Junior Hi Building Icon_minitimeSat Feb 23, 2008 2:52 pm

Hime berjalan tanpa suara menuju atap gedung Junior High.
"Gelap," batinnya.

Setelah sampai, Hime melihat Hiino dan seorang anak kecil yang tidak dikenalnya. "....Mengganggu tidak yah?" pikir Hime. "...Mm, biar deh. Asal ga bersuara aja."

Hime lalu memilih tempat yang agak jauh dari mereka berdua dan duduk disana sambil mendengarkan iPodnya.
Kembali Ke Atas Go down
Akimoto Amon
single star student
single star student
Akimoto Amon

Male Jumlah posting : 2360
Age : 34
Class : B-Senior High School
Alice : Death Eyes Alice
Registration date : 29.11.07

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Central Town
Self Quote: The Time Is Running Out......

in the top of Junior Hi Building Empty
PostSubyek: Re: in the top of Junior Hi Building   in the top of Junior Hi Building Icon_minitimeSat Feb 23, 2008 2:53 pm

Oh My......... batin Amon.

Kenapa saat aku ingin nyantai selalu banyak orang...

Amon hanya menatap diam 4 orang yg ada disitu,

Kembali Ke Atas Go down
Yamashita Chiaki
single star student
single star student
Yamashita Chiaki

Female Jumlah posting : 2630
Age : 30
ability : Somatic Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : Plant Controller
Registration date : 30.01.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere that I belong to?
Self Quote: I trust you. Even thought you don't trust me, or maybe hate me... Still, I believe in you.

in the top of Junior Hi Building Empty
PostSubyek: Re: in the top of Junior Hi Building   in the top of Junior Hi Building Icon_minitimeSat Feb 23, 2008 2:55 pm

Chiaki melihat sekeliling.

"Eee... Mendadak tempat ini jadi ramai..."

Kemudian, dia hanya kembali bengong mengamati orang-orang lain yang sedang berada di situ.
Kembali Ke Atas Go down
single star student
single star student

Male Jumlah posting : 4893
Age : 30
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : A - Junior High School
Alice : Death Scythe Alice
Registration date : 17.12.07

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere in Heaven..
Self Quote: Totally in Peace...

in the top of Junior Hi Building Empty
PostSubyek: Re: in the top of Junior Hi Building   in the top of Junior Hi Building Icon_minitimeSat Feb 23, 2008 2:57 pm

Azure menoleh ke arah Hime yang sedang Budek mendengarkan IPODnya..

"Hmm..hime-senpai ya..."gumam Azure.

Ia menoleh ke arah Hiino...

"Hee...ada Hino-san juga..."
Kembali Ke Atas Go down
Osaki Hime
Double Star Student
Double Star Student
Osaki Hime

Female Jumlah posting : 6998
Age : 33
ability : Laten Ability
Class : A - Senior High School
Alice : Healing Alice
Registration date : 25.11.07

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Double Star
Self Quote: "I want to be remembered as the girl who always smiles even when her heart is broken, and the one that could always brighten up your day even if she couldn't brighten her own."

in the top of Junior Hi Building Empty
PostSubyek: Re: in the top of Junior Hi Building   in the top of Junior Hi Building Icon_minitimeSat Feb 23, 2008 3:01 pm

Hime hanya memperhatikan tempat yang semulanya sepi menjadi lebih rame. "Ngg... Kenapa pada mampir kesini yah?" gumamnya kecil.

azureghost wrote:
Azure menoleh ke arah Hime yang sedang Budek mendengarkan IPODnya..

"Hmm..hime-senpai ya..."gumam Azure.

Hime menoleh, "...bukannya kau seharusnya ikut festival?" tanyanya.
Kembali Ke Atas Go down
single star student
single star student

Male Jumlah posting : 4893
Age : 30
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : A - Junior High School
Alice : Death Scythe Alice
Registration date : 17.12.07

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere in Heaven..
Self Quote: Totally in Peace...

in the top of Junior Hi Building Empty
PostSubyek: Re: in the top of Junior Hi Building   in the top of Junior Hi Building Icon_minitimeSat Feb 23, 2008 3:03 pm

Azure hanya mengangkat bahu,
"Pasangan saya tidak datang...jadi beginilah..."jawab Azure tenang.

"Anda sendiri...? Tidak ikut festival...?"
Kembali Ke Atas Go down
Osaki Hime
Double Star Student
Double Star Student
Osaki Hime

Female Jumlah posting : 6998
Age : 33
ability : Laten Ability
Class : A - Senior High School
Alice : Healing Alice
Registration date : 25.11.07

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Double Star
Self Quote: "I want to be remembered as the girl who always smiles even when her heart is broken, and the one that could always brighten up your day even if she couldn't brighten her own."

in the top of Junior Hi Building Empty
PostSubyek: Re: in the top of Junior Hi Building   in the top of Junior Hi Building Icon_minitimeSat Feb 23, 2008 3:10 pm

Hime hanya menggeleng lalu tersenyum."....Bosan nih," ujarnya.

OOT: yang lainnya jangan diem donk^^;
Kembali Ke Atas Go down
Yamashita Chiaki
single star student
single star student
Yamashita Chiaki

Female Jumlah posting : 2630
Age : 30
ability : Somatic Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : Plant Controller
Registration date : 30.01.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere that I belong to?
Self Quote: I trust you. Even thought you don't trust me, or maybe hate me... Still, I believe in you.

in the top of Junior Hi Building Empty
PostSubyek: Re: in the top of Junior Hi Building   in the top of Junior Hi Building Icon_minitimeSat Feb 23, 2008 3:13 pm

OOT : Nggak tau mau nyapa siapa... =___=

IT :
Chiaki akhirnya memberanikan diri mendekati para kakak-kakak kelasnya itu.

"Malam kak..." sapa Chiaki.
Kembali Ke Atas Go down
single star student
single star student

Male Jumlah posting : 4893
Age : 30
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : A - Junior High School
Alice : Death Scythe Alice
Registration date : 17.12.07

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere in Heaven..
Self Quote: Totally in Peace...

in the top of Junior Hi Building Empty
PostSubyek: Re: in the top of Junior Hi Building   in the top of Junior Hi Building Icon_minitimeSat Feb 23, 2008 3:16 pm

Azure hanya diam...sambil sesekali memandangi Langit yang sudah mulai gelap..


Kemudian,Ia melihat seorang murid yang (mungkin) tidak dikenalnya berjalan mendekati nya..

Quote :
"Malam kak..." sapa Chiaki.

"Malam..."jawab Azure..singkat.
Kembali Ke Atas Go down
Yamashita Chiaki
single star student
single star student
Yamashita Chiaki

Female Jumlah posting : 2630
Age : 30
ability : Somatic Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : Plant Controller
Registration date : 30.01.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere that I belong to?
Self Quote: I trust you. Even thought you don't trust me, or maybe hate me... Still, I believe in you.

in the top of Junior Hi Building Empty
PostSubyek: Re: in the top of Junior Hi Building   in the top of Junior Hi Building Icon_minitimeSat Feb 23, 2008 3:25 pm

"Kakak yang dingin..." batin Chiaki.

"Ngomong-ngomong, kakak-kakak sekalian sedang ngapain disini? Tidak ke event?" tanyanya.
Kembali Ke Atas Go down
Osaki Hime
Double Star Student
Double Star Student
Osaki Hime

Female Jumlah posting : 6998
Age : 33
ability : Laten Ability
Class : A - Senior High School
Alice : Healing Alice
Registration date : 25.11.07

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Double Star
Self Quote: "I want to be remembered as the girl who always smiles even when her heart is broken, and the one that could always brighten up your day even if she couldn't brighten her own."

in the top of Junior Hi Building Empty
PostSubyek: Re: in the top of Junior Hi Building   in the top of Junior Hi Building Icon_minitimeSat Feb 23, 2008 3:27 pm

"Jalan-jalan^^" jawab Hime lalu tersenyum pada Chiaki, "ng.. Kau sendiri?" tanya Hime.
Kembali Ke Atas Go down
Yamashita Chiaki
single star student
single star student
Yamashita Chiaki

Female Jumlah posting : 2630
Age : 30
ability : Somatic Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : Plant Controller
Registration date : 30.01.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere that I belong to?
Self Quote: I trust you. Even thought you don't trust me, or maybe hate me... Still, I believe in you.

in the top of Junior Hi Building Empty
PostSubyek: Re: in the top of Junior Hi Building   in the top of Junior Hi Building Icon_minitimeSat Feb 23, 2008 3:30 pm

"Kabur dari festival dansa." jawabnya santai.

"Ah, maaf aku belum memperkenalkan diri. Aku Yamashita Chiaki. Salam kenal."
Kembali Ke Atas Go down
single star student
single star student

Male Jumlah posting : 4893
Age : 30
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : A - Junior High School
Alice : Death Scythe Alice
Registration date : 17.12.07

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere in Heaven..
Self Quote: Totally in Peace...

in the top of Junior Hi Building Empty
PostSubyek: Re: in the top of Junior Hi Building   in the top of Junior Hi Building Icon_minitimeSat Feb 23, 2008 3:34 pm

Quote :
"Ngomong-ngomong, kakak-kakak sekalian sedang ngapain disini? Tidak ke event?" tanyanya.

"Nggak..."jawab Azure..lagi-lagi singkat.

Quote :
Ah, maaf aku belum memperkenalkan diri. Aku Yamashita Chiaki. Salam kenal."

Azure melirik Chiaki sekilas,sebelum kembali menolehkan kepalanya ke arah langit.

"Azureghost....salam kenal juga.."
Kembali Ke Atas Go down
Osaki Hime
Double Star Student
Double Star Student
Osaki Hime

Female Jumlah posting : 6998
Age : 33
ability : Laten Ability
Class : A - Senior High School
Alice : Healing Alice
Registration date : 25.11.07

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Double Star
Self Quote: "I want to be remembered as the girl who always smiles even when her heart is broken, and the one that could always brighten up your day even if she couldn't brighten her own."

in the top of Junior Hi Building Empty
PostSubyek: Re: in the top of Junior Hi Building   in the top of Junior Hi Building Icon_minitimeSat Feb 23, 2008 3:36 pm

"Hime^^" jawab Hime memperkenalkan diri, "ngg... Sepertinya kok pada diem semua yah^^?" ujarnya.

Hime lalu memilih untuk tiduran saja di atap.
"..Ngantuk juga.."
Kembali Ke Atas Go down
Akimoto Amon
single star student
single star student
Akimoto Amon

Male Jumlah posting : 2360
Age : 34
Class : B-Senior High School
Alice : Death Eyes Alice
Registration date : 29.11.07

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Central Town
Self Quote: The Time Is Running Out......

in the top of Junior Hi Building Empty
PostSubyek: Re: in the top of Junior Hi Building   in the top of Junior Hi Building Icon_minitimeSat Feb 23, 2008 3:37 pm

Amon yang daritadi diam mulai angkat bicara,

"Hoi,ada makanan nggak?" tanyanya ke sekumpulan bocah disitu,

"Aku lapar........"
Kembali Ke Atas Go down
single star student
single star student

Male Jumlah posting : 4893
Age : 30
ability : Dangerous Ability
Class : A - Junior High School
Alice : Death Scythe Alice
Registration date : 17.12.07

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere in Heaven..
Self Quote: Totally in Peace...

in the top of Junior Hi Building Empty
PostSubyek: Re: in the top of Junior Hi Building   in the top of Junior Hi Building Icon_minitimeSat Feb 23, 2008 3:41 pm

Quote :
"Hoi,ada makanan nggak?" tanyanya ke sekumpulan bocah disitu,

"Aku lapar........

Azure mengeluarkan sebungkus Coklat dari kantongnya dan melemparnya ke arah seorang anak yang teriak-teriak minta makan..


Quote :
"ngg... Sepertinya kok pada diem semua yah^^?" ujarnya.

"Yaa...beginilah...."sahut Azure tenang..

Ia berpikir sebentar...mencoba memikirkan ide yang khas..

"Hmm...gimana kalau cerita hantu...?"
Kembali Ke Atas Go down
Osaki Hime
Double Star Student
Double Star Student
Osaki Hime

Female Jumlah posting : 6998
Age : 33
ability : Laten Ability
Class : A - Senior High School
Alice : Healing Alice
Registration date : 25.11.07

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Double Star
Self Quote: "I want to be remembered as the girl who always smiles even when her heart is broken, and the one that could always brighten up your day even if she couldn't brighten her own."

in the top of Junior Hi Building Empty
PostSubyek: Re: in the top of Junior Hi Building   in the top of Junior Hi Building Icon_minitimeSat Feb 23, 2008 3:43 pm

"Minuman hangat ada," jawab Hime lalu mengeluarkan beberapa minuman kaleng. "Mau^^?" tawarnya pada Chiaki^^ *dilempar*

azureghost wrote:
"Yaa...beginilah...."sahut Azure tenang..

Ia berpikir sebentar...mencoba memikirkan ide yang khas..

"Hmm...gimana kalau cerita hantu...?"
"Nggak," jawab Hime singkat dan cepat.
Kembali Ke Atas Go down
Yamashita Chiaki
single star student
single star student
Yamashita Chiaki

Female Jumlah posting : 2630
Age : 30
ability : Somatic Ability
Class : B - Junior High School
Alice : Plant Controller
Registration date : 30.01.08

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Somewhere that I belong to?
Self Quote: I trust you. Even thought you don't trust me, or maybe hate me... Still, I believe in you.

in the top of Junior Hi Building Empty
PostSubyek: Re: in the top of Junior Hi Building   in the top of Junior Hi Building Icon_minitimeSat Feb 23, 2008 3:44 pm

Osaki Hime wrote:
"Mau^^?" tawarnya pada Chiaki^^

"Mau. Terima kasih, kak Hime..."

azureghost wrote:
"Hmm...gimana kalau cerita hantu...?"

"Nggak." jawabnya singkat.
Kembali Ke Atas Go down
Akimoto Amon
single star student
single star student
Akimoto Amon

Male Jumlah posting : 2360
Age : 34
Class : B-Senior High School
Alice : Death Eyes Alice
Registration date : 29.11.07

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Single Star
Location: Central Town
Self Quote: The Time Is Running Out......

in the top of Junior Hi Building Empty
PostSubyek: Re: in the top of Junior Hi Building   in the top of Junior Hi Building Icon_minitimeSat Feb 23, 2008 3:47 pm

"Cerita Hantu macam apa yg kau punya?" tanya Amon ke Azure sambil memakan coklat pemberiannya.

Kembali Ke Atas Go down
Osaki Hime
Double Star Student
Double Star Student
Osaki Hime

Female Jumlah posting : 6998
Age : 33
ability : Laten Ability
Class : A - Senior High School
Alice : Healing Alice
Registration date : 25.11.07

Char Sheet
Star Rank: Double Star
Self Quote: "I want to be remembered as the girl who always smiles even when her heart is broken, and the one that could always brighten up your day even if she couldn't brighten her own."

in the top of Junior Hi Building Empty
PostSubyek: Re: in the top of Junior Hi Building   in the top of Junior Hi Building Icon_minitimeSat Feb 23, 2008 3:49 pm

Hime tersenyum puas lalu mengusap kepala Chiaki, "pintar^^" pujinya.

"Oh ya, nih^^" Hime juga memberikan minuman kaleng pada yang lainnya, kemudian meminum minuman kalengnya sendiri.

Akimoto Amon wrote:
"Cerita Hantu macam apa yg kau punya?" tanya Amon ke Azure sambil memakan coklat pemberiannya.

"Uhuk!" tanpa sengaja Hime keselek, "...cerita yang lainnya saja yah^^;?" tawarnya.
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in the top of Junior Hi Building
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